If you are looking for childcare, consider the LMACCC

About the LMACCC:

We currently have openings in Mixed and Preschool classrooms.

LMACCC provides quality childcare to members of the LMA community and strives to:

  • Foster an environment where children, parents, and staff feel safe to communicate feelings, where they are actively listened to, and their individual needs are attended to.
  • Be highly adaptive to the ever-changing and unique needs of a diverse community.
  • Create a warm, sincere, and caring environment that promotes children's self-esteem and social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development.

We provide care for 96 children aged 2 months to 5 years. We are located at 395 Longwood Avenue with convenient drop off and pick up locations.

For more information, please contact Kelly Quinn-Wilson, Center Director, at 617-632-2755 or at kquinn@masco.harvard.edu.

Tuition Credit Opportunity

LMACCC currently has several enrollment openings. We encourage families to share our exciting enrollment news with friends, family and colleagues. Referring families will be eligible to receive a one-time $300 tuition credit for each referred family who signs a contract until we meet our enrollment goals



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